
Monday, August 3, 2020

ECT Cohort 17 Certification Course

💬 ECT #1: Cohort Introductions

‌ Suggested time for this task: 20 minutes ‌ Assignment Rationale: "Why am I doing this task?" ECT Candidates graduate the program with a deepened understanding of Edmodo’s platform and the pedagogic capabilities of educational technology. By the end of the cohort experience, you will have designed your own professional development training class in Edmodo and have become connected to a network for support and collaboration on issues relating to Edmodo and educational technology. ‌ As ECTs teach other educators how to integrate Edmodo in to their educational practices, it is useful to have an understanding of Bloom's Taxonomy and the SAMR model for technology integration. SAMR is an acronym that stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition. As instructors integrate technology tools into instruction, the model can be used to determine whether the technology application is enhancing or transforming the learning. The model, created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, has four levels that explain the increasing impact of the integration from substituting another traditional learning method (such as writing with pen and paper) to creating a completely new learning style (such as students complete and present a team project using global videoconferencing and a virtual classroom). ‌ Additionally, ECTs will primarily be training adult educators how to use Edmodo with their students, so it is important to have an understanding of pedagogy versus andragogy as this can change your approach when teaching students versus training adults. ‌ ‌ The Purpose of this Assignment

  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate with others by posting in a specific location.
  • Become acquainted with other members of the cohort ‌ ‌ ‌ Completion Steps: "What am I to do?"
  1. Review the attached resources to learn more about Bloom's Taxonomy, the SAMR model and pedadgogy vs andragogy:
  2. ECT#2: Instructional Design & Pedagogy Review
    Due 07/20, 10:59 PM
      22 questions
      ● 60 minutes

      Suggested time for this task: 20-60 minutes

      • Time will vary depending on familiarity with pedagogical concepts.

      Assignment Rationale: "Why am I doing this task?"

      Edmodo Quizzes can be more than just a quiz with the SAMR model of edtech integration!

      This Edmodo Quiz is a formative learning activity that checks your understanding of various pedagogical concepts related to instructional design: Blended, Differentiated, Flipped, Project-Based, Gamified, and Social-Emotional Learning. You may use the provided resources, as well as any resources to which you may have access, to review the pedagogic concepts.

      Please note that while you can take an Edmodo Quiz on a mobile device using the mobile Android or iOS apps, it is best to use the full browser for taking a Quiz. Edmodo is continually updating the mobile apps, but currently there are specific limitations with matching questions on the mobile apps.

      The Purpose of this Assignment To assess understanding of pedagogic concepts related to edtech.

      Scoring: "What do I need to submit to pass this assignment?" Complete this quiz to the best of your ability. There is no minimum passing score required as this is a formative learning activity.

      ECT #3: Link to Public Post Conversation
      Due 07/20, 11:22 PM

        Suggested time for this task: 30 minutes ‌

        Assignment Rationale: "Why am I doing this task?" ECTs need to be able to communicate effectively and engage in academic conversations as they interact with Edmodo users. Please review the attached guidelines for communicating in the Edmodo Community, then to demonstrate your understanding, you are to create a public post and turn in the link to that post. ‌ Turning in the Link to a Post is a useful way to capture and encourage class discussions and community participation, as well as surfacing posts to team members. By learning this process, you can replicate turning in the link to a post during trainings that you conduct.

        The Purpose of this Assignment Demonstrate the ability to create a post on an academic topic connected to Edmodo, to communicate with the appropriate audience, and to follow directions to turn in the link to a post. ‌

        Completion Steps: "What am I to do?"

        1. Review the Community Guidelines in the attached Communication Review document. ‌

        2. Examine the attached annotated screenshot of an Edmodo Public Post

        3. Review the attached Help Center article and watch the attached screencast to learn how to locate the unique URL to an Edmodo post.

        4. Create your public post by...

          1. Navigating to your Home page
          2. Selecting the audience for your post as "Any teacher on Edmodo". There will now be a Globe icon on your post.
          3. Composing the message of your post which can include...
        • Your thoughts about how to use Edmodo for classroom instruction or other academic purposes (blended, flipped, project/problem based learning, gamification, differentiated instruction, etc)
        • A link to a helpful resource or ideas you found on the internet
        • An existing Hashtag (look for hashtags listed on your home page)

        1. After posting your Public Post, locate the unique URL to that post by clicking on the ellipsis (...) icon in the upper corner of the post and selecting "Link to Post." Copy the link that appears in the dialogue box.

        2. Open this assignment and attach a "Link from Web" and paste the link to the post, and hit the Turn in Assignment button. ‌

        Scoring: "What do I need to submit to pass this assignment?" Turn in a link to a public post on Edmodo that you composed.

        ECT #4: Link to Post of Comment on Hashtag Conversation
        Due 07/22, 11:45 PM

        ECT#5: Link to Post of Edmodo Feature Screencast
        Due 07/28, 12:20 AM

          Suggested time for task: 30 mins - 120 mins (time for this task will vary as per individual proficiency with video creation)

          Assignment Rationale: "Why am I doing this task?" ECTs must have proficient face to face and digital communication skills both in asynchronous and synchronous learning environments. Edmodo Certified Trainers need to be comfortable with online communication tools so as to know how to adapt to different technical issues that arise with training. Attached are screencasting resources. This assignment also reinforces the skills of following directions and posting to a specific location.

          The Purpose of this Assignment

          • Demonstrate your proficiency with asynchronous video communication, you will create a 1-5 minute screencast showcasing an Edmodo Feature.
          • Demonstrate your ability to post in a specific location

          Completion Steps: "What am I to do?"

          1. Review the attached screencasting resources: ----Edmodo Webinar: Recorded Screencasts vs Live Conferencing ----Screencasting Review ----11 Tips for better Video Creation & Live Streaming
          2. Create a 1-5 minute screencast using your choice of tool. The screencast should
            1. showcase one Edmodo feature and provide information for how to use the feature and the importance or outcomes associated with the feature.
            2. Upload the screencast to a cloud storage site such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive with the setting "Anyone with Link may VIEW". While your Edmodo Library has unlimited storage and you can attach files to Edmodo Posts and Assignments, no single file can be greater than 100MB in size. Due to the size of video files, they must be housed in a separate location. The link to the video can be saved in your Edmodo Library and attached to Posts and Assignments.
            3. Create a Post in the Share Our Work small group that includes the link to the screencast.
            4. Open this assignment and attach a "Link from Web" and paste the link to the post in the Share Our Work small group, and hit the Turn in Assignment button.
            5. After submitting your assignment, navigate to the Share Our Work small group to view and comment on the screencasts your cohort-mates have posted.

            Scoring: "What do I need to submit to pass this assignment?"Turn in the link to your post in the Share Our Work small group that has your 1-5 minute Edmodo Feature video attached.

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